Chapter 9 – Data Gathering


Similar to other business areas (or other industries), it is critical to have all the necessary information to plan marketing strategies and approaches. Extensive data collections need to be analyzed to strategically plan for the future and decide on the best marketing initiatives (and where to spend the money).

In this chapter, we distinguish between evaluating data from:

  • Internal systems – customer databases, product performances, inventory, and accounting.
  • External systems – primary sources (e.g., focus groups, surveys, and competitor data) and secondary sources (e.g., literature reviews).

Marketing research results can be added to marketing information systems (MIS) to inform strategic decisions.


Practice Activities

Media Attributions


Albrecht, M. G., Green, M., & Hoffman, L. (2023). Principles of marketing. OpenStax.

Gillis, D. (2018). People sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime [Image]. Unsplash.

Principles of marketing – H5P edition. (2022).  BCcampus.

UX Indonesia. (2020). Person in blue shirt writing on white paper [Image]. Unsplash.


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Marketing Moments Copyright © by Dr. Biggi Weischedel, TRU Open Press is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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