Chapter 10 – PR, Advertising and Personal Selling


Someone new to marketing may assume advertising is the main application of marketing. It’s part of marketing but as can be seen from this book, marketing involves a whole lot more than advertising materials.

However, this chapter explores how to apply marketing strategy to advertising, while also investigating other communication channels (e.g., public relations and professional selling). While professional selling may bring back memories of door-to-door salespeople, it is still a popular and efficient sales channel in B2B settings.

Also, please note that often times the terms personal selling and professional selling are used almost synonymously, even though technically they are not the same (professional selling doesn’t have to be personal selling, and vice versa).


Practice Activities

Media Attributions

  • H5P Image 12: Business newspaper article ( by AbsolutVision [alterego_swiss], via Unsplash, is used under the Unsplash ( license.
  • H5P Image 13: Clap board roadside Jakob and Ryan ( by Jakob Owens, via Unsplash, is used under the Unsplash ( license.
  • H5P Image 14: Person reading while holding white ceramic mug ( by Mattias Diesel [mattiasdiesel], via Unsplash, is used under the Unsplash ( license.
  • H5P Image 15: Blue and white logo guessing game ( by Brett Jordan, via Unsplash, is used under the Unsplash ( license.
  • H5P Image 16: Smartphone showing Google site ( by Edho Pratama, via Unsplash, is used under the Unsplash ( license.
  • H5P Image 17: Unknown person using laptop ( by LinkedIn Sales Solution [linkedinsalesnavigator], via Unsplash, is used under the Unsplash ( license.


AbsolutVision. (2017). Business newspaper article [Image]. Unsplash.

Diesel, M. (2017). Person reading while holding white ceramic mug [Image]. Unsplash.

Jordan, B. (2020). Blue and white logo guessing game [Image]. Unsplash.

LinkedIn Sales Solutions. (2019). Unknown person using laptop [Image]. Unsplash.

Owens, J. (2017). Clap board roadside Jakob and Ryan [Image]. Unsplash.

Pratama, E. (2016). Smartphone showing Google site [Image]. Unsplash.

Principles of marketing – H5P edition. (2022).  BCcampus.

Roberts, J. (2016). Writing for strategic communication industries. Ohio State University.


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Marketing Moments Copyright © by Dr. Biggi Weischedel, TRU Open Press is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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