Chapter 12 – The Marketing Plan


In this last chapter, you will be introduced to valuable readings about marketing plans.

If you have taken this course to learn more about marketing, chances are high that you will attempt to create a marketing plan at some point, whether for your own business or for the one that employs you.

Here you will learn about what comprises a marketing plan, including the required parts, order, category research, and responsibilities of the professionals involved.


Practice Activities

Media Attributions


Albrecht, M. G., Green, M., & Hoffman, L. (2023). Principles of marketing. OpenStax.

GR Stocks. (2020). Grayscale photo of person holding glass [Image]. Unsplash.

Principles of marketing – H5P edition. (2022).  BCcampus.

Startaê Team. (2018). Person pointing white paper on wall [Image]. Unsplash.


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Marketing Moments Copyright © by Dr. Biggi Weischedel, TRU Open Press is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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